Wednesday, November 13, 2013


When the time comes for you to make a decision, meditate on peace, happiness, truth, beauty; follow your brain, follow your heart, follow your soul, for whatever choice you make will be the right one, the only one.

Living simply, humbly and within our means. Valuing meaningful relationships. Working not for money but to help humanity. Thinking about knowledge. Treading lightly. Feeling compassionate. Being grateful for circumstance and society. Giving without taking. Creating beauty. Being the change we want to see rather than just consuming. Loving as much as we can. Laughing. Discovering ourselves and appreciating the universe. Sitting still and running far.

Gross, net, close, knit. Greenery, flannery, chicanery, love very.

Stormy weather, give me a window and a cup of oolong.

Always less salt, less sugar, less preservatives, less meat and animal products, less fat.

What exactly do they do over there on the moon?

There is so much art in all of us, waiting to be splayed out into the world, and to improve the lives of someone, somewhere in some way. 

Quinoa, papita, kale, barley, spinach, butternut pumpkin, broccolini, arugula, blueberries, chia seeds, eggplant, rockmelon, mango, unhomogenised milk, parsnip, baby carrot, zucchini, beetroot, red cabbage, shitake, black turtle beans, bokchoy, spring onion, avocado, multigrain bread, cinnamon, paprika, turmeric, natural yoghurt, cucumber, cherry tomato, pearl cous x2, brown rice, pineapple, wholemeal pasta, chickpeas, tofu, raw nuts, tahini, tamarind, oats, sultanas, fennel, enoki, love and laughter.

I am glad to hear your voice, its absence is a pain in my day.

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